** NAAC ACCREDITATION WITH A+ GRADE (3.38) ** First College in Kerala with NAAC A+ Grade as per the new accreditation frame work **


Library Membership is free to all Students, Teaching and Non-Teaching staff of this college. 
Borrowing Facility – Number of Books - Loan Period
Category No . of Books Loan Period
Aided Teacher 10 15
Self-finance Teacher 5 15
Non –Teaching Staff 2 15
PG Students 5 15
UG Students (Final Year) 3 15
UG Students (I & IInd Year) 2 15
  • All are requested to sign the gate register before entering the Library.
  • Books can be borrowed only against the multipurpose Institutional ID card issued by the College.
  • The Member should present his/her library card for borrowing books , failing which the library staff can refuse to issue books to him/her.
  • Readers are responsible for books issued against their names.
  • Library membership card is non-transferable.
  • Transfer of Books is not permissible
  • A duplicate Library Membership card will be issued on payment of Rs.100/-.
  • The member is expected to return borrowed books on or before the due date stamped on the date label in the book.
  • An over due charge of Rs. 1.00  per day per volume will be collected for returning the books after the due date borrowed by them.
  • The Librarian reserves the right to recall any books from any member at any time.
  • Borrowers must satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the books before borrowing; otherwise, they will be held responsible for any damage or mutilation noticed later or at the time of returning.
  • If a book is lost, the borrower must replace it with its latest edition.  If the borrower is unable to replace the book, 3 times the cost of the book will be levied from the borrower.
Reservation: A member can reserve their books  through Web-OPAC or directly in the library. The library will inform the member as soon as the book is available.
Renewal: A book can be re-issued to the same person if there is no reservation for it.  Not more than one consecutive renewal is permitted.  Further renewal is not permitted at any cause.  Renewals can be made over WEB-OPAC, or in person, on or before the due date.