- Personal belongings are not permitted inside the Library. Library books, once issued, cannot be taken into the library except for returning at the counter. However, laptops/ personal books may be permitted for reference inside the library, after getting proper permission from library staff.
- As the College Library is a place of individual study, it is necessary to maintain an atmosphere of quiet and dignity inside the library. Members are, therefore, reminded that conversation or consultation among themselves or noisy or demonstrative greetings of friends inside the library is not permissible.
- The library books are for the benefit of not only the present but also the future members of the library. They should, therefore, be handled with every care and consideration.
- The members caught tearing pages/stealing of books will be suspended forthwith from using the library facilities and further disciplinary action will be initiated against them by the College
- Don't use cell phone in the Library
- Members shall not write upon, damage or mark any book belonging to the library
- Whenever a member leaves/retires he/she has to obtain a "No Dues Certificate" from the library
- OPEN ACCESS AND SHELF ARRANGEMENT: The members have the privilege of direct access to the shelves in the stack halls and the freedom to browse among the books. It is important that the classified arrangement of books, according to DDC, is maintained on the shelves for the convenience of the members themselves. While books can be freely taken out of the shelves, on no account should they be reshelved by the members because of the danger of misplacement.
- Members shall not smoke, or spit in any part of the library